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Rocks and Mineral Unit Plan


Subject: Science Unit Plan 

Unit: Rocks and Mineral 

Big ideas: 

Change and Continuity: Rocks and minerals have unique characteristics and properties that are a result of how they were formed. 

Sustainability and Stewardship: The properties of rocks and minerals determine society’s possible use for them. 

Structure and Functions: Our use of rocks and minerals affects the environment affects the environment. 

Curriculum Expectations: 

1. assess the social and environmental impacts of human uses of rocks and minerals;

2. investigate, test, and compare the physical properties of rocks and minerals;

3. demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of rocks and minerals.




Class Description  

Material and Resources

Evaluation Plan 

Intro: Mystery Science: Why do some volcanoes explode? 


100 mins 

Student will use this website and its hands-on activity to  investigate how differences in lava types explain differences in the shape and eruption patterns among volcanoes. In the activity, students will experiment with “lava” of different thicknesses to solve the mystery. 

Students will learn about two types of lava and its impact on different kinds of rocks.

See link: 

  • on -going checklist for students’ performance during activity 

Inquiry-based class, intro to Rocks and Minerals 

Record keeping exercise  

50 mins 

Students watch videos about volcanoes and learn about lava and magma.

Students then have a chance to examine igneous rock and complete a worksheet.  

  • Rocks (igneous)

  • Magnifying glasses 

  • Smartboard presentations 

  • Worksheet  

  • on -going checklist for students’ performance during activity 

  • Worksheet 

Lecture on igneous rocks and the other two types of rocks 

50 mins 

Wrap up last week’s activity

Go over definition of igneous rocks and how they are formed.

Introduce the other two types of rocks.

Provide hands-on activity.   

Discussion on usage of rocks and mineral in our lives

Read about different rocks 

50 mins 

Students will use handout from teacher read about three kinds of rocks how they are different from each other. 

  • Readings 

  • Possible worksheets 

  • Worksheet 

Rocks cycle:Starburst Rock Cycle Activity 


Consolidation: MineCraft rock cycle 


100 mins 

Teacher will review what students have learn in the last class, go over some terminology.

Teacher will play the Starburst Rock Cycle Activity, students will have the chance to make sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks working in groups.

Teacher will pre-make igneous rocks can share the product with each table.

 Students need to place the three kinds of rocks in on the rock place mat. 

Class watch MineCraft Rock Cycle video as consolidation. 

  • Starburst candies prepared by teacher 

  • Small ziplock bags 

  • Heavy books 

  • Rock placement mat 

  • Placemat 

  • on -going checklist for students’ performance during activity 

Identifying rocks

Students centred investigation 

50 mins 

Minerals: introduce different kinds of minerals and their common usages  

50 mins 

What kinds of minerals need to be covered by the teacher? Ask Mr.French  

Which material make the best spoon 

100 mins 

Present the class with three differents kinds of spoons: wooden, bamboo, plastic, and steel spoons 

Conduct class investigation on the reasoning behind using each material 

Hands on activity: making your own spoon, students experiment making spoons using given materials 

Each table/ group vote the best material to make spoon and justify their answer 

Main objective: human use different material found in rocks and mineral to make our daily items. We use certain material based on their special property and usage of human needs.  



50 mins 

Students based research, 

Each group/pair will the given a mineral

Students need to research their origin (where to be found), its property (something special about this mineral), and its application/ human usage(how can we use this material in our life) 

Students work on google doc and make a short (3-4 google slide) students will present their findings (2-3 mins)  


Success criteria

Evaluation for presentation   

Environmental Impact from mining 

50 mins 

Ask Mr.French for opinion 


50 mins 

Ask Mr.French for opinion 

Specific Expectations: 

1.1 assess the social and environmental costs and benefits of using objects in the built environment that are made from rocks and minerals

Sample issues: 

(a) Quarried stone, sand, and gravel are used to make concrete. We need the strength and long life that concrete gives to roads and buildings, but making concrete uses a lot of natural resources and energy.

(b) Aluminum is used to make soft drink containers and trash cans. It can be recycled many times, and recycling uses much less energy than making aluminum from ore.

(c) One person uses 5.4 kilograms of salt per year on food and another 180 kilograms a year for other things, such as de-icing roads and sidewalks in winter. We need salt in our diet, but when we use it excessively on our roads and sidewalks, it causes damage to cars, water, and plants. 

(d) Clay is used to make plates and mugs, bricks for buildings, and kitty litter, but clay is mined. The products made from it break down at rates that are similar to those for other rocks.

1.2 analyse the impact on society and the environment of extracting and refining rocks and minerals for human use, taking different perspectives into account (e.g., the perspectives of mine owners, the families of the miners, Aboriginal communities, the refinery workers, manufacturers of items who need the refined rocks and minerals to make their products, residents who live in communities located near refineries and manufacturing facilities and who are concerned about the environment)

Sample issues: 

(a) Surface mining is used to extract rocks and minerals for eventual human use. It is less hazardous for humans than underground mining, but it has a greater impact on the surface landscape, including the removal of significant amounts of rich

topsoil. Efforts are being made by mining companies to reclaim land where mines and quarries have been closed. Mined-out quarries

can be filled with water and used for recreational purposes. When a mine is closed, the topsoil that had been removed can be replaced and native species replanted. 

(b) The smelting process is necessary to extract the metals contained in some ores that can then be made into products for human use. But the process produces waste materials, including gases that contribute to climate change, acid rain, and smog.

2.1 follow established safety procedures for outdoor activities and for working with tools, materials, and equipment (e.g., use scratch and streak test materials for the purposes for which they are intended; when working outdoors, leave the site as it was found)

2.2 use a variety of tests to identify the physical properties of minerals (e.g., hardness [scratch test], colour [streak test], magnetism)

2.3 use a variety of criteria (e.g., colour, texture, lustre) to classify common rocks and minerals according to their characteristics

2.4 use scientific inquiry/research skills (see page 15) to investigate how rocks and minerals are used, recycled, and disposed of in everyday life (e.g., nickel and copper are made into coins; coins that are out of circulation can be melted down and the metal can be used for making other things; calcium [from limestone], silicon [from sand or clay], aluminum [from bauxite], and iron [from iron ore] are made into cement that is used for roads and buildings; concrete can be returned to cement and concrete production facilities, and can be recycled; rocks from quarries are used for garden landscaping, and these rocks can be reused; marble is used for countertops and statues)

Sample guiding questions: Where might we find products made from rocks and minerals in our daily life? How might you find out other ways in which rocks and minerals are used in everyday items? Why might some people and groups have concerns about the use of some of these rocks and minerals? What might be some alternative materials that could be used instead of the rocks and minerals? How are some of the items made from rocks and/or minerals disposed of when they are no longer useful? Which minerals can be recycled or reused in other products?

2.5 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including hardness, colour, lustre, and texture, in oral and written communication

2.6 use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes (e.g., use a graphic organizer to show how rocks and minerals are used in daily life)

3.1 describe the difference between rocks (composed of two or more minerals) and minerals (composed of the same substance throughout), and explain how these differences determine how they are used

3.2 describe the properties (e.g., colour, lustre, streak, transparency, hardness) that are used to identify minerals

3.3 describe how igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are formed (e.g., Igneous rocks form when hot, liquid rock from deep below the earth’s surface rises towards the surface, cools, and solidifies, for instance, after a volcanic eruption. Sedimentary rocks form when small pieces of the earth that have been worn away by wind and water accumulate at the bottom of rivers,lakes, and oceans and are eventually compacted and consolidated into rock; they can also be formed when sea water evaporates and the dissolved minerals are deposited on the seafloor. Metamorphic rocks form when pre-existing rocks are changed by heat and pressure.)

3.4 describe the characteristics of the three classes of rocks (e.g., Sedimentary rocks often have flat layers, are composed of pieces that are roughly the same size with pores between these pieces that are commonly filled with smaller grains, and sometimes contain fossils. Igneous rocks generally have no layers, have variable textures, and do not contain fossils. Metamorphic rocks may have alternating bands of light and dark minerals, or may be composed predominantly of only one mineral, such as marble or quartzite, and rarely contain fossils.), and explain how their characteristics are related to their origin
