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Pinyin Lesson 1 plan拼音教学课纲


Language Level 

Novice low



Day in Unit




Unit Theme and Question

Belonging / School

Essential Questions: What to say when you meet a new friend?

Daily topic:

Understanding and demonstrating Pinyin and 4 different tones



What are the communicative and cultural objectives for the lesson?




Which modes of communication will be addressed?

  1. Students will learn and practice traditional Asian classroom manners. (教室礼仪练习)

  2. Students will be able to identify initial sounds of Pinyin and final sounds of Pinyin.Students will be able to pronounce the four tones used in Pinyin. (拼音与声调练习)

  3. Students will be able to pronounce a Chinese word written in basic Pinyin (combining an initial sound, a final sound, and a tone). (阅读拼音练习)


√ Interpretive


If applicable, indicate how Connections Comparisons  

Communities Common Core will be part of your lesson. 


Pinyin is written using the Western alphabet.


Student compare US classroom manners with Asian classroom manners.



Common Core

Speaking and Listening 1: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

Lesson Sequence


What will learners do?

What does the teacher do?


How many minutes will this segment take?

Materials Resources


Be specific. What materials will you develop? What materials will you bring in from other sources? 

Gain Attention / Activate Prior Knowledge

  • Teacher welcomes students and goes over the lesson objective and short summary of each step of the lesson. 


  • PC and projector

  • Presentation file: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Introduction

Provide Input 

  • Teacher gives out the guided notes to students for them to record each sound of Pinyin.

Introduction of  Asian Classroom Manners

  • Teacher shows a video of traditional Asian classroom manners still used in Asia.

  • Teacher goes over the words (5 phrases) use during the practice of traditional Asian classroom manners.


  • Guided note

  • PC and projector

  • Presentation file: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Introduction

Elicit Performance / Provide Feedback 

Objective Practice 

  • Teacher guides students through practicing traditional Asian classroom manners.


  • PC and projector

  • Presentation file: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Introduction 

Provide Input 

Tap into Prior Knowledge

  • Teacher let students to guess how each Pinyin pronounce.

Direction Instruction

  • Teacher demonstrates how to pronounce each initial sound and final sound of Pinyin. Students repeat each word several times after the teacher.

  • Teacher plays a video of a song in Pinyin to provide a way to remember the thirty-seven sounds of Pinyin.

  • Teacher demonstrates the four tones used in Pinyin, as well as hand gestures to help students remember.


  • Guided note

  • PC and projector

  • Presentation file: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Basic Pinyin Presentation

Elicit Performance / Provide Feedback 

Guided Instruction

  • Teacher demonstrates how to pronounce a Chinese character written in Pinyin (the combination of an initial sound, a final sound, and a tone).

Objective Practice& Formative Assessment

  • (Practice each Pinyin sound) Teacher again goes over the 37 basic Pinyin sounds with students by using examples that combine an initial sound and a final sound and tone. (Student try first)

  • (Practice Pinyin with a tone) When the teacher goes over each example with the students he/she will let the student to try to pronounce the word, then demonstrate the correct sounds, if necessary. Many positive reinforcements will be given.


  • Guided note

  • PC and projector

  • Presentation file: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Basic Pinyin Presentation


  • Teacher gives a handout that contains all possible combination of Pinyin sounds.

  • Teacher shows students how to use the table.


  • PC and projector

  • Presentation file: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Basic Pinyin Presentation

  • Table of all possible Pinyin,

Enhance Retention & Transfer 

Objective Practice & Formative Assessment

  • Teacher shows a video of “Let it Go!” (from Frozen) sung in Mandarin Chinese with Pinyin subtitles.

  • Teacher answers any questions from the students about today’s lesson.


  • PC and projector

  • Presentation file: Unit 1 Lesson 1 Basic Pinyin Presentation

Reflection – Notes to Self

  • What worked well? Why?

  • What didn’t work? Why?

  • What changes would you make if you taught this lesson again? 

  • ????

  • Teacher walks around the classroom during the class to check for student understanding.

  • 5 minutes extra for any stage of the lesson that might need an additional time.

  • Notes for this lesson:

    • An extra presentation and a video can be used if we have extra class time. 

    • Teacher walks around the classroom during the class to check for student understanding.

    • Teacher needs to remember to go slow, since today is the very first lesson of the learning Chinese.


    Students were having difficulty pronouncing some of the sounds.

    Students need to practice more on the four tones.

    Students enjoyed the “Let it go!” song. Maybe I should have them sing it in front of the class. (Or Maybe have them to sing in front of the school.)

    * Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle (provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period. 
