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Kindergarten Patterning Sequence Plan

 Weekly patterning lesson 

Lesson 1-April 6: introduction of pattern 

  1. What is a pattern? 

    1. The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again.' The itsy-bitsy spider song is an example of a pattern. A pattern is a series or sequence that repeats. The itsy-bitsy spider climbed the water spout, and then did the same thing again after the weather cleared up.

    2. You can observe patterns - things like colors, shapes, actions, or other sequences that repeat - everywhere. Think about words or melodies in songs, lines and curves on buildings, or even in the grocery store where boxes and jars of various items are lined up.

    3. But, one of the most common places to find patterns is in math. Math patterns are sequences that repeat according to a rule or rules. In math, a rule is a set way to calculate or solve a problem.

(copied  from

Vocabulary used: Repeating pattern


Lesson 2 April 7: core of a pattern, terms of a pattern

A repeating pattern has 2 main parts - the terms and the core.

  1. Terms

    1. The objects or elements that form a pattern are called its terms.

    2. For example: in the pattern above, the terms are orange stars and green circles.

  2. The core 

    1. The part of a repeating pattern, that stays the same and repeats itself, is called its core.

    2. In our example above, the core is made up of 2 stars followed by 3 green circles

(copied from:

  • Lesson 3: April 8: AB patterns and ABC patterns 

    • Homework: discussion board 

Lesson 4: patterns in nature and real life 

Homework: discussion board 


Lesson 5: build your own patterns with rules 

Homework: discussion board 

Lesson 6: Motion patterns, songs, human behavior patterns 

Homework: observation at home, sharing at home,or sharing during virtual classroom 

