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My overall reflection on Drama class and implication in my future practice

The past six weeks has been a very fun and exciting time for me to learn about drama. I really enjoy every aspect of this class and I have learned so much as an educator.
Before coming to this class, I have no exposure to drama, drama did not had a significant role in my education journey. In my cultural background, drama is not something that students can learn in public school, I got so used to find myself in the crowd and I was not comfortable showing myself in front of a big group of people.

I made this post as I first exposed myself to the world of drama, I was very clueless and I was trying to reach out to drama. 
I tried very hard, and I found myself enjoy learning everything about drama more and more over the courses. 

In this class, I got the chance to learn from Dr.Winters, I love how passionated she was teaching a bunch of adults how to have fun like a bunch of kids. I was very lucky to learn from her. 

I also got the chance to attend her book launch in IRC, seeing drama in action shocked me, and I love the way Dr.Winters interacted with the kids. They were soooo cute!!

Here are what I learned throughout the last 6 weeks.....

I learned to dance with patterns....

I learned how to poorly use a puppet (still working on that...) 

Here is Dr.Winter showing us how to properly hold the puppet, Thank you!!!

We made character traits by drawing and writing with a story book...

I learned Math by making shapes on the ground and making groups...

I learned about Social Science by acting and making repetitive movement...

I learned about science by singing and posting...

I took a long walk in the forest and climbed a huge mountain...

I learned about basic beats and rhyme...
I presented in a group presentation and talked about cause and effect...

Learning just never ends....

Teaching drama in real classroom
Last week Dr.Winters took the class to a local school and we conducted a drama class to a group of kindergarten students. Initially, I was very excited to  work with students and teach them everything I learned for the last few weeks. I was so ready to act and be goofy....
Things never happen the way we want...
Teaching was not easy, not every student love to move around, sometimes, students cannot sit or stand, some of them act out or have problem participating in the class. 

Sometimes students didn't want to pay attention, sometimes students asked too many questions, sometimes students forgot their task. You will never be ready to teach in a real class,especially to a group of 5 years old. 

This real-life teaching experience gave me more input on how to in-cooperate drama in my future teaching. I guess I don't have a answer for it now.
But I am willing to try...I want to put myself on the spot, have fun with my students, teach them thing will benefit them...And I want them to enjoy learning and enjoy using drama in the classroom.
I guess learning truly never ends!
