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Drama Strategy 4: Kamishibai

Kamishibai translates to Picture Play.Kamishibai is an art form that combines picture and narration. Story is painted or printed on one side of very stiff cardstock while the text of the story is written or printed on the back. It can be performed with or without a stage. The stage is often recommend as it help audience to focus their attention and add dramatic effect. The narrators stand at the right at the stage and perform alone. The drawings and pictures used in
Kamishibai is large and less detailed oriented, they are often very easy to understand.
What is Kamishibai?

Teachers can act as narrators in performing Kamishibai to the class. Teacher can create their own pictureor print out the picture of the reading without word to make their own Kamishibai stories.Students can work in group or individually to create their own drawing of the Kamishibai story and perform the art in group or alone.

This kind of art form can be implement into a varieties of subjects, including social science, science, language arts, history, etc.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, shoes and indoor

Image may contain: 3 people, indoor
