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Drama Stategy 5: Corridor of voices/Conscience Alley

Conscience Alley aka Corridor of voices is a drama strategy 

used to explore the inner life of a character in drama. The character moves along the “corridor” between two lines of students who voice feelings, thoughts, or moral concerns the character might be likely to have. The convention can also be used to explore the thoughts of a character who is facing a difficult task or decision. In this case, the voices would give advice and warnings. See also voices in the head.

Students standing arraignment is shown as:

The class forms two lines facing each other. One person (the teacher or a participant) walks between the lines as each member of the group speaks their advice. It can be organised so that those on one side give opposing advice to those on the other. When the character reaches the end of the alley, she makes her decision. Sometimes known as Decision Alley or Thought Tunnel.

This drama technique can easily be applied to a range of subjects across the curriculum, whenever a character is faced with a decision. It may be that you reach a certain point in your drama lesson, or while reading a story aloud, or describing an historical event, when such a moment occurs.

Teachers need to be mindful on how students would feel if they are the one walking through the Conscience Alley. The little ones can take some messages very personal sometimes. 
